HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Leos! It’s that time of the month again! You have been making wishes every since you turned 1 Year old at your birthday party. You’re not new to this. Did you know that there are certain times and strategies to make your very own powerful wishes? That’s what I am going to share with you.
New Moons mean new beginnings and new powerful energy. Each sign is responsible for certain areas of your life. As it relates to the New Moon in Leo, it is important to understand that Leo is ruled by Sun! The Sun is not a planet, but actually a star. I like to call it a SuperStar!!! LOL! In fact, the Sun is the lifeblood of everything in the solar system because it provides the energy to make things happen for life on Earth to exist.
Leo Energy rules love and romance, generosity, dignity, creativity, celebration, play/fun, determination, tempering arrogance, back and spine, exhaustion, heat exhaustion, and heart inflammations.
TIP: For Your Monthly Esteoric Forecast, check Out My Youtube Channel, AstroAlise.
Let’s get to the basics of how to make a wish first:
RULE #1: Your Wish is for You and Not Others. This is your heart’s desires.
RULE #2: Hand-write your wishes each month in your favorite journal and be sure to track the date and time to see when your wishes come true.
RULE #3: Make your wish list within seven (7) hours before or after the exact time of the New Moon. The strongest time is 6 hours, but let your intuition guide you.
Now, let’s take a look at some examples that Aries rules:
The Quest for Personal Heart Connections
- Desire to attract and experience a healthy, happy romantic relationship.
- In romance, easily find myself being honest with the other person about who I am and what I want, so that I become involved with a person who really resonates with my true inner spirit.
- Easily find myself interacting with my children in a way that creates mutual understanding, respect, cooperation, and love.
- Easily find myself reentering the dating scene in a way that is successful and pleasurable for me
The Quest for Creativity
- Easily find myself expressing my creativity for its own sake, without an eye to the results.
- Release the tendency to sabotage the successful fulfillment of my heart’s desires easily lifted from me.
- Easily find myself involved in activities that evoke my passion and vital interest.
The Quest for Love
- Easily express myself in ways that result in others knowing that I love them.
- Easily find myself actively giving love, approval, and support to the people who are important to me.
- Easily find myself interacting with others in a way that demonstrates loyalty and support.
- Easily find myself encouraging others to be the best that they can be.
The Quest for Pleasure and Celebration
- Easily find myself doing at least one thing that brings me pleasure each day.
- Experience in my relationship with __ fun, playfulness, and lighthearted enjoyment.
- Release the habit of shutting down and not experiencing the joy of life easily lifted from me.
Dealing with Dignity
- Easily find myself happily participating in the right group for me.
- Experiencing true self-confidence to enter into every area of my life.
- Easily find myself taking the right actions__ (at work/with family/with friends. and etc.) that cause me to be recognized in a positive way.
- Experience an aura of happy dignity to permeate my being.
Dealing with Increasing Determination
- Removing all resistance to completing things totally lifted from me.
- Easily find myself assuming leadership in every area of my life.
- Releasing the habit of wavering or being distracted from my purpose totally lifted from me.
Rules Arrogance
- Any feelings of arrogance totally lifted from me.
- Releasing the habit of unpleasant drama to get my way totally lifted for me.
- Releasing the habit of bossing people around easily lifted from me.
Restoring Health
- Attracting the right healers for me to work with to restore the body areas ruled by Leo (back and spine, exhaustion, heat exhaustion, and heart inflammations).
- Attracting the right information that leads to total healing regarding these body areas ruled by Leo.
- Increasing faith and taking action towards successfully restoring the body areas ruled by Leo.
After you write your wishes down, be sure to say them out ALOUD, and believe in FAITH that your heart’s desires will manifest. Ultimately, let your intuition guide you, but I will share two stems with you to get you started:
I wish to………..
I want to……….
After you write your wishes down, be sure to say them out ALOUD, and believe in FAITH that your heart’s desires will manifest.
To learn more about New Moon Wishes, Check out New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller
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