Getting Your Wish List Ready for the Solar Eclipse in North Node in Capricorn

Solar Eclipses are powerful in the Cosmos, but this year, we have an Annular Solar Eclipse. These are particularly powerful because the Sun is very close to one of the Nodes of the Moon. The Annular Solar Eclipse is at 3 degrees Capricorn, and the South Node of the Moon is at 8 degrees Capricorn. This means it is very good because these small degrees mean that these are new beginnings. A Solar Eclipse can be either North Node and South Node.

This is a good time to focus on releasing and moving forward. You can also make wishes during this time to help restore self-confidence, self-respect, and self-reliance. This is a great time for you to learn how to take charge of their lives. Did you know that there is a certain time and strategy to make your very own powerful wishes? That’s what I am going to share with you.

People who have North Node in the 10th House and are considered North Node in Capricorn People will have opportunities to learn how to take charge of their lives, learn how to rise above difficult family relationships, how to develop self-respect, how to focus on achieving goals, and how to accept the opportunities they are given to establish lasting security.

The good news is that Jupiter rules Sagittarius (YAY!!) and it is the Planet of Faith, Positivism, and Optimism. This is very good given that we also have a New Moon in Sagittarius as well.

TIP: Check Out My New Moon in Sagittarius Video on My Youtube Channel, AstroAlise.

Let’s get to the basics of how to make a wish first:

RULE #1: Your Wish is for You and Not Others. This is your heart’s desires.

RULE #2: Hand-write your wishes each month in your favorite journal and be sure to track the date and time to see when your wishes come true.

RULE #3: Make your wish list within seven (7) hours before or after the exact time of the New Moon. The strongest time is 6 hours, but let your intuition guide you.

Now, let’s take a look at some examples that North Node in Capricorn rules:

Restore Self-Reliance

Rise Above Difficult Family Relationships

Rise Above Family Karma

Challenged with Not Overreacting Emotionally

Developing Self-Respect

Learning to Focus on Achieving Goals

Accepting the Opportunities They Are Given to Establish Lasting Security


After you write your wishes down, be sure to say them out ALOUD, and believe in FAITH that your heart’s desires will manifest. Ultimately, let your intuition guide you, but I will share two stems with you to get you started:

I wish to………..


I want to……….

After you write your wishes down, be sure to say them out ALOUD, and believe in FAITH that your heart’s desires will manifest.

To learn more about New Moon Wishes, Check out New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller

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